Warning: This is a VERY LONG POST!
Hop in everyone. Make sure you have everything packed and you’re refreshed, as we have a long thirteen plus hours of journey ahead. It’s early in the morning, I know, so I’ll let you all sleep in the van and wake you up in the afternoon…
C’mon, sleepyheads, wake up, up! You wouldn’t want to miss these mountains! Look at how gorgeous they look!
The ranges of Western Ghats! Isn’t that cool! All wild trees and plants!
Of course, we haven’t reached Sringeri (our destination yet), but the roads are pretty smooth, so we expect to reach there by night…
It’s lunch time, guys! Let’s go out and satiate out hungry bellies. Ah! Look! It’s an oriental restaurant with all huts and lo! We have ducks here! And, what more could be welcoming than these Verbenas?
Are you all well-fed now? Good, as we have a very long way to go still…
Here, we’ve arrived at our destination. Sringeri – one of the four sacred institutions established by great Âdi Sankara, centuries ago, to promote the growth of Sanâtana Dharma (Eternal Virtue of Hinduism). Its main temple is that of Siva who’s called Candramoulîsvara (after whom I was named) and also has a temple for Goddess Sarasvatî who’s called Sâradâ.
Okay then, you all must be tired after the long journey. Here, take the keys to your rooms and get yourself some sleep as we have great vistas to gawk at tomorrow.
Cock-a-doodle-doooo! Okay Okay! I know it’s not a cock but it was close wasn’t it? There’re no cocks here to wake you up. Get up! It’s five in the morning. Get refreshed and come out. I have something beautiful to show to you…
All ready? Here, behold this beautiful mountain!
(You can click on the photo to see the really big version)
Fog is still hovering over the summits, not wanting to part with the mounts.
Here, look at the view from the balcony…
Wonderful crotons, aren’t they!
Do you see the small hut-like structure amidst the mountains? That’s the place we’re heading to.
This is the ancient shrine of Candramoulîsvara,
And the beautiful river Tungâ! She houses really huge fishes but not to worry, you can wash your feet without fear. Don’t be fooled by the fog and think it’d be cold. It’s running water and it’s warm!
Don’t go too deep as it’d suck you in…
Sprinkle some over yourselves as it’s one of the most sacred rivers in India. You see the bridge at the top? That’d lead us to the forest – Narasimha Vana.
My mom’s very eager to see the trees is hurrying in the front…
Here, we’re welcomed into the forest by this beautiful sight!
Ah! Look at the hibiscus! I’ve never seen so many in a shrub! Have you?
The lofty Betel Palm, hugged by the betel creepers!
My mom, wondering what this tree could be…
Bunches of Ixora buds waiting to burst open in few days…
Common Leucas, which is difficult to find here, grows wild in this forest with extra huge blooms.
Some croton creeper hugging the coconut tree.
Look at the size of the butterfly pea!
Do you smell that? Isn’t it strong? Inviting? Hurry on, let’s see what it is…
And this beauty dots the walkways with its beautiful white blooms. Any idea as to what this is?
Again, betel vine hugging another anonymous tree,
I thought this Allamanda ‘Silver Jenny’ grew like creepers, but look at how beautiful they are when grown as shrubs!
Those Rangoon Creeper blooms are so darned huge!
Few anonymous, eminent trees...
These flame trees seem to reach the sky!
They’re so darned lofty that I had to zoom the lens to get these tiny shots of the blooms!
Oops! It’s started raining, come in everyone, gather inside this hut before you’re all drenched.
Don’t worry, rain wouldn’t spoil the fun, as we have plenty to look around this altar (hut). These tiny roses! They bloom in small clumps!
Another huge patch of Allamanda ‘Silver Jenny’! This is the way to the cow and elephant shed, unfortunately, we’re not allowed any further…
Ah! These betel vines seem to leaves none, not even this mango tree!
And my most favorite, Canon ball tree!
That’s my dad, BIL, and me (in front of the altar; men are not allowed to wear shirts and are supposed to wear only traditional wear – women too, here when visiting the priest who pays homage to the idols inside this altar – again cameras not allowed inside) This is the same altar that we saw initially – the hut amidst the mountains. I was shocked to see that it was not a small hut but a huge altar that can houses hundreds of crowd!
So, how did you like it? I enjoyed it and had fun watching all the trees, flowers, vines, shrubs, and birds. Okay, it’s time to leave… Goodbye for now. Here are some shots on the way back…