I know, I know, I’m a bit overexcited. Well, I should be! Last time I said that I had to go shopping and I did! It was definitely fun, but the reason for shopping was not to pot the sunflowers [sniff, sniff]. They are bid goodbye to me. Looking at those smiling healthy seedlings, would you have thought they’d all not survive (I just don’t wanna use that negative word)? At least one could’ve stayed with me, but no sir, they all decided to call it quits. The reason for the five potted ones to leave could’ve been because of transplanting? ‘Cause I heard that sunflowers are best grown in situ, well I didn’t give a damn to that statement and I got paid for what I did. About the seedlings in the box, I guess they were too crowded and started falling back to the ground due to lack of space? Nutrients? And the lone survivor couldn’t fight anymore too. He left me [sniff] too.
[SIGH] Enough of sad stuff, let’s get cheery, for it’s celebration time. I (rather we – my mom and I) went for shopping to EC Road (a long stretch of highway that’s spotted with many nurseries) and came back with bags of saplings. I wanted to go out to many other nurseries, but my Scooty couldn’t hold even those few saplings that we bought, so I had to return back. Damn! Now that I think about it, I wish I could’ve taken my DigiCam. Stupid me. I wanted to buy one of everything there, as almost all saplings were smiling at me with their blooms – Varieties of Hibiscus-es, Lilies, Honeysuckles, Allamandas, False Eranthemums, Portulacas, Ixoras, Oleanders, Pomegranates, and many others – some of whose names neither I nor the nursery owner knew exactly.

Problems follow anywhere you go right? Yes, and it did my plants too to the terrace in the form of naughty squirrels. They seem to especially like my Ruellia blooms and tear them away the moment the bloom and the most saddening thing is that they all the Hibiscus buds! I came up with a garlic, chilli mix which seemed to drive them away, but I forgot that we had slight rains after I sprayed it, but the mix did keep them away for almost a week and I was happy to enjoy my ever-blooming Ruellias, but this morning again when I went to check on them, two naughty rascals scurried out of sight. I’m off now, as it’s time for the mix again (while you enjoy... I hope my plants' beauty)...
Hippeastrum hybrid (Amaryllis Lily) - This one gave out 2 beautiful flowers, but bad me, I didn't capture its beauty

O' Kardama! Come to my garden, where lovely women are waiting for you.
And Ciklîta, you too follow your dear brother, as Nîla Citraka's waiting for you,
Now Karîshinî, how can you stay without your dear sons?
Come stay in my garden and keep your sons and daughter-in-laws happy.
Note: Kardama and Ciklîta are of Goddess Lakshmî (also called Karîshinî - abounding in dung)