Apr 29, 2011


As recently published in The Pâdapa Times, I am in love with roses. With the spring in, I thought it’s right time to introduce some to Plantville. Well, today is the day of few words, so I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.
I have no idea what cultivars these roses are - thanks to people at nursery who are not concerned about all that silly (according to them) details. I wish I knew their names - I mean their individual identities.
 (The roses did appreciate the recent spring showers)


tina said...

Wow! That is quite a collection of roses. I wish I could smell them all. That last one is my true sense of a rose. Such beauty!

Sujata said...

Wow CS! Beautiful Roses. I just love the second last one with the petals translucent against the light and also the pot with bunches of pink Roses.

☆sapphire said...

WOW really beautiful! I too love the second last one. Roses are one of the loveliest of lovely things!

painted princess collection said...

Hi, very nice photos and great blog on gardening I will be a frequent visitor Thankyou very much for visiting my blog.

D said...

C, I'm laughing because I cannot imagine a nursery not knowing the names of the plants. The roses are beautiful as are your photos.

Anonymous said...

Hi CS,
Super !Got no words to describe those beauties.I also planted some this time but half of them died.I do not know the reason.

Rose said...

Beautiful! I'm surprised the nursery didn't know their names, but their loveliness and fragrance is all that really matters anyway.

Anita Kumar said...

Wow! So many colours.... wish I could smell them. Keep blogging.

Ever Green Tree said...

Your Roses are pretty! I wish i too could identify each of them individually....

Asha Ram said...

Hello! Coming from Geek's Web site... Yes, your roses are stunning!


Anonymous said...

Wow those are gorgeous pics! Reminds me of my dad's garden, which is no more.

Dirty Girl Gardening said...

lovely pink roses... i bet they smell amazing.

Thomas said...

I love roses as well! I'd like to purchase a few for the garden this year. There's nothing like the smell of summer roses when you step out the door.

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a beautiful flowers, That is quite a collection of roses..
Thanks for sharing..Flowering Trees Tennessee

James David said...

Truly they all look so beautiful and healthy. You must really took care of them.

Skeeter said...

Oh, so pretty those roses :-)Reminds me of my grandmothers rose garen. I do not have any roses but I should, I just fear plants that bite back...

Dirty Girl Gardening said...

lovely little roses...

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

So beautiful! Silly details indeed! I also like to know all of the names of plant varieties. I hope they do well for you, I planted my first roses just last year. :)

Shankara Gayathri said...

will u ever restart blogging mo???

antigonum cajan said...

Your humble servant...spanning the globe...

Loren said...

Indeed a very lovely roses. I have also have a rose plant near my garden sheds. I just really hope it will bloom like your do.

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Nice Post.

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